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Isle Of Man Full V1.1


Isle Of Man Full V1.1

The hardest track on earth is finally in GP Bikes and it is at full scale! 60.7km of in-game pure racing asphalt! Located in and around the Isle Of Man, is the most dangerous track in the world due to its many casualties it has made ever since its first appearence in 1905. The yearly motorcycle event, more know as the “Isle Of Man TT” brings the best out of the bravest riders on the planet. Now it is our turn to attack this track and maybe some day, we will be able to beat the lap records set by the fastest of riders.

Name in-game: Isle Of Man Full V1.1

Special thanks to following people that helped during this project.:

  • DEGAILEN (Made software that automates the handeling of the native files. Without this, the track would’ve never been possible in the first place)
  • PIBOSO (Making this game ofcourse + helping with various problems I got stuck on while making this track)
  • Javiliors (Helping with various problems relating track making and performance)
  • FCR Mod team (Tips and knowledge about this track)



The track is far from completed but I want the community to atleast try it once. 

Please consider that the making of this track took a lot of time and was very depressing at certain moments. This makes it difficult to solve problems on my own even finding the issues is a big task.

This track is not the best looking in game, and will also never be, but I think the most important is that its should be rideable.

Therefore, I would kindly ask the community to not cry about the issues but instead help me looking for them and so contributing to improve the track both visually and rideable.

If you find an issue, please don’t hesitate to contact me (FIXXER 1001 #6361) on Discord. If you found an issue it would be helpful what went wrong, where it happend and maybe even a screenshot to show me where exactly or what object.

Known issues:

  • Flickering objects (mostly trees)
  • uncollidable objects (hard to find but im sure they are still there, make sure you let me know if you find one 😉 )
  • Shaking


The Shaking:

I know this is a really shitty issue, but this is something I cannot solve. This is a game glitch and needs to be solved by PiBoSo. He knows the issue is there and what causes it. It’s just a matter of time until it gets fixed. The shaking happens whenever you get to a certain distance from the world center (0, 0, 0). the further you go the worse it gets. I’ve tried the best ways possible to eliminate as much of the shaking but in every situation it was there most of the time. What i went for now is to have no shaking at pit so that is at the world center. This means that the most extreme shaking is at the furthest end of the circuit. From my experience, the shaking is only visual (as the objects themselves also shake relative to each other. This can look weird when you are in a corner and it looks like you will lose the front, but this is actually not the case.


I hope you will look past these issues (which will be hard) and just enjoy the track because we put a lot of our free time into this project but we also will keep doing it until it’s a track like another but just bigger.

First time loading up can be slow and takes a while. If your game saves cache, the loading times will be exceptionally faster.

So far I have not yet tested playing it online. I hope we will be able to enjoy the track all together if it is not possible right now.

NOTE: Unzip the track and drop it in your tracks folder


A lite version will be released later… if not, it will be included in the next update.


Total downloads: 5097

IOM FULL COURSE V1.1 Mega link

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