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MaxHUD – v2.2.7


This might be the most useful mod out there, MaxHud. It’s a mod which lets you add all types of things  on your screen as a hud, fuel, tyre temperature, standings, delta (so you can see around the whole track if your improving or not), inputs, map and so many other things! You can decide yourself which things of the hud you keep on, turn off, or customize.
Big thanks to the creator, HornetMax for making this!

Note; In the picture above, everything is turned on, so it looks like a big mess. It does not look like that once you turn off some things and customize others, this is a must have!

Mod Instructions

To install this mod, you extract the 'MaxHUD_data' and 'MaxHUD_GPB64.dlo' to the plugins folder in your game directory.
"... Steam\steamapps\common\GP Bikes\plugins"

It is further explained in the 'MaxHUD.pdf' file you will find after you download the zip.


Total downloads: 3329

MaxHud Mega link

Changelog 2

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