Rider Template v1.5 contains both 3D and 2D Templates to paint the rider suit. To use in GP-Bikes, it requires Manu’s Modern Rider Mod.
- Rider Type 1 3D Obj & Alpinestars Template
- Rider Type 2 3D Obj & Dainese Template
Templates created from scratch. 3D models from Milestone’s MotoGP Videogame.
How to pack a pnt file,
- Put the rider.tga, rider_n.tga, rider_r.tga, boots.tga, boots_n.tga & boots_r.tga files in one folder.
- Open PaintEd, select the folder that contains mentioned files, and save as .pnt file.
- Rider.tga & Boots.tga : Suit and Boots liveries
- Rider_n.tga & Boots_n.tga : Suit and Boots normal textures for details. The alpha layer adjusts the shininess of the textures.
- Rider_r.tga & Boots_r.tga : Suit and Boots reflection textures for reflection. See the alpha layer to understand which parts will have reflection.
Total downloads: 198