August 16, 2024
To all creators:
Updates have been made to the “Donation Box” feature. You can now customize your Donation Box settings in your profile. If you prefer not to share a PayPal link or similar, you can simply leave a note in the “Donate Message” section, letting other players know how they can support you.
Previously, a donation URL was necessary for the donation box to appear on posts. Now, as long as there’s text in the message box, it will be displayed.
And to all players:
Supporting your creators is vital and inspires them to keep delivering fresh content! We wouldn’t be where we are without all of the creators who continue to ignite new sparks in the game we love and hate.
March 26, 2024
As of today, the submission form is back!
For the time being, the option to upload files to the website is disabled until further notice.
August 18, 2023
The user profile options have been extended. It is now possible to add more social accounts which are being displayed on your profile, as well as change your website-wide “display name” that is being shown on posts and pages across the system.
More profile customization options might come very soon. We hope you enjoy those little features!