I realized I made some coding errors on the previous version (posted on the GPB discord). Should be fixed with this V2.0 one (EM and AW is now showing properly and the pit limiter light is working).
Unfortunately, there are some stuff that GPB doesn’t send out so some lights are not functioning. The acronyms are LLP – Long lap penalty, DLP – Double long lap penalty, TLW – Track limits warning, TPH – Tire pressure high, TPL – Tire pressure low, PLL – Pit lane limiter. Hopefully Piboso will add the ones that are not available in the future. The lap timer can be cycled, but I’m not sure it registering the deltas. The “KPH”-screen can also be cycled to show stuff like tire temp, ambient and track temp, fuel and more. Feel free to change things if you want.
*A small caveat. I have my ipad connected to the computer as a second screen with an USB cable and then it works like a charm. However, I tried to get it to work wirelessly through Simhub but it’s lagging and glitching as fuck. If someone figures out how to get it to run smoothly, please share the solution.
Total downloads: 185